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The Quran has been translated into a number of languages, but not yet into English. In September 2010, a translation from Arabic to English became available in the form of the 1.2 release of [Quran In Word.] A Free program that can be used for translating from or to all major languages. Translating: Translating, is a feature available in Quran In Word (Qiw). It allows the user to enter and read the text of the selected verse for that specific language. When the user clicks on Translate, it will translate it into that specific language and then open up another text with the translation. Once done, one can either copy and paste the translation as a new verse or leave as is and move on to another verse. This feature only translates the selected verse and does not translate any additional words associated with it. When translating, the user can choose between Urdu, Arabic or English. Formatting: When the user clicks on Formatting it will open up a new blank document for editing. This feature converts the text of the selected verse by removing blank lines between words and adding spaces after sentences to make it easier for reading/listening. Backup: This feature allows one to backup their current translation of the selected verse prior to changing it. It will store the translation as a new file named "Quran_S/N" where "S" is the number of translations stored in that specific folder and "N" is the sequential number of that specific folder within its system directory or data location. This feature can be used to back up the translation of the selected verse prior to deleting it. To do so, search for the new translation file within the "Quran_S/N" folder and copy it. Once copied, delete it from within its current location. When deleting the new translation file, also save its respective translations into their respective folders as well. Bookmarking: This feature allows one to bookmark their current translation of the selected verse for future reference (i.e., when reading). A pop-up menu will contain options to bookmark on Desktop, Bookmarks Menu or Favorites Menu. Bookmarks Menu: This option will bookmark on your Windows Favorites Menu. Bookmarking on Desktop: This option will bookmark on your Windows Desktop. Favorites Menu: This option will bookmark on your Windows Favorites Menu. Bookmarking can be accessed by clicking the bookmarks icon within the main menu bar. "Muhajabah" from "Muḥājibāt" is an Arabic word meaning 'dissimilarity' or 'differentness.' It refers to two or more groups of people, who are unequal in some relevant characteristics, but exchange relations with each other on a voluntary transaction basis. cfa1e77820